Protecting the Environment in Cedar Park, TX

The City of Cedar Park, TX is dedicated to preserving the environment and safeguarding the quality of its water resources. Residents are expected to contribute to improving water quality by not pouring any substances into street coves, canals, or ponds. Stormwater runoff can collect debris, chemicals, dirt, and other contaminants that can cause water quality issues. In our area, most stormwater runoff is not treated or cleaned before being discharged into local creeks, streams, rivers, and lakes. The City of Cedar Park has implemented a Municipal Independent Storm Sewer System (MS) Annual Report Archive to keep citizens informed about water quality.

Additionally, new entrances are marked with a “No pouring, from drains to waterways” sign to remind people of their responsibility to protect the environment. In recent years, the cycles and intensity of droughts and rains have been changing. To become a more resilient city, Austin needs new ways to use water creatively. The City of Cedar Park is within the recharge or contribution zone of the Edwards Aquifer, one of the most valuable natural resources in Central Texas. Citizens can contact the City of Cedar Park if they have any questions or concerns regarding water quality via email or consult the Municipal Independent Storm Sewer System (MS) Annual Report Archive. It is illegal to drain pool water into the Cedar Park storm drain system if it contains any harmful amount of chlorine, muriatic acid, or other chemical used to treat or disinfect pool water or to clean the pool. By following these guidelines and taking responsibility for their actions, residents can help ensure that Cedar Park remains a safe and healthy place to live.

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